Northern California to the North Slope of Alaska

Salmon Nation

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Photo: Michael Clark

About the Project

Salmon Nation stretches from Northern California to the northern reaches of Alaska. This bioregion is one of the most diverse in the world. 

Salmon Nation, the organization, exists to accelerate a vibrant and growing movement towards healthier, localized, more regenerative economies and communities in this area. 

The region already is a hotbed of creativity and experimentation. Salmon Nation, consisting of a trust, network of innovators and other investment vehicles identifies who and what you need to know to invest time, energy, and money towards building a bioregion where people, culture and nature all thrive.

Social & Environmental Impacts

Salmon Nation is determined to improve social, financial and natural well-being in this area by inspiring, enabling and investing in regenerative development. 

A changing climate and failing systems demand new approaches to everything we do. Salmon nation works with people and place, championing successful local initiatives that serve as pilot projects for re-imagining the economy and environment for systemic change in the area. 
